The ASB office will be closed today.
Friends Helping Friends Club will be meeting this Thursday (3/27) in Room 24 at lunch. We will be discussing important dates for our upcoming events.
Reminder to Student volunteers working tonight for Lions Club Corned Beef and Cabbage dinner…Please report to the Escalon Community Center at about 6:15pm and ask for Mike Caskey or Gary Haskin. Thank you for your help with this event!
Student Volunteers Needed!... Lorina's Edible Garden is hosting the Easter at the Barn event on April 19th this year and has MULTIPLE shifts available the week before the event up to the day of the event. Help needed April 12 filling eggs from 10am to 1pm, April 15 filling eggs from 2pm to 4pm, April 17 setting up the event from 2-5pm, April 19 from 10am to 1pm at the Registration booth, and April 19 from 1-3pm as the egg hunt referee. Some shifts have a max amount of students needed. If interested, please sign up ASAP. Get more information or the link to sign up from Ms. Pimentel (room#25)or Mrs. Nunes (ASB Office).
Apprenticeship RTI Presentation: The San Joaquin Building Trades Council will be here to give a presentation on the types of trades and apprenticeships available to students looking for a hands-on career with high demand and great earning potential Apprenticeship programs offer paid, on-the-job training in fields like welding, electrical work, plumbing, and more. Learn from industry professionals, gain real-world experience, and build a solid career path while you earn.
Barbering Presentation- Paul Mitchell will be returning for RTI on Monday 3/24 to give a presentation specifically covering their Barbering program. This will be presented by their barbering instructor and include a demonstration. Sign up in Enriching Students under Mrs. Peterson.
FFA Students: Easter at the Barn donation drive will run until April 10th. 3 items donated to any ag classroom will result in 1 hour of community service (MAX. 5) and 1 FFA point (MAX. 1).
ASB Leadership & First Responder Leadership: Attention all students who submitted an application for Leadership for the 2025-2026 School Year interviews will be taking place next week between 3/17 -3/20!
FCA - There will be a Fellowship of Christian Athletes Club meeting on Friday during lunch in room 10. We will be featuring a guest speaker. You do not need to be an athlete to attend – everyone is welcome. Join us for lunch on Friday.
AP Contract Reminder: AP contracts for the 2025-2026 school year are due to the counseling office by this Friday, March 21.
Prom… ASB OFFICE HOURS: open before school, during break, and lunch. The ASB office is not open after lunch on Fridays. Prom is May 10. Tickets are available now. You will need to turn in a completed contract to the ASB office BEFORE you buy a ticket. EHS Student and Guest contracts are available in the hall next to the main office. Current Price is $90 March 15-April 11. Princes will increase to $95 April 12-28, and $100 April 29-May 6. Contracts will not be signed during class time.Not sure which form to use? If your guest is an EHS student, use the EHS student contract NOT the guest contract. Guest contracts are for students who do not attend EHS. Links to purchase tickets: PROM TICKET FOR EHS STUDENT PROM TICKET FOR NON-EHS GUEST
Students….Please DO NOT remove the protective case on your chromebook, insurance will NOT cover damages if the case is removed. Protective covers are available in the library, if one is needed.
Looking for a Job? Swing by Mrs. Olsen’s room (32) to check out the local job opportunities for high school students!
Dance Club: The Dance club will be meeting Mondays and Thursdays at lunch in the old gym. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to enhance your dance skills, all interested are welcome to join.
PEER TUTORING- Need help in a particular class? Want to study for a test or need someone who has taken a class to help you grasp a concept? Fill out this form and get paired with a member of the Peer Tutoring Club! Click Here to Get a Tutor
TEACHER TUTORING (Intervention & Enrichment)
- Room 2 with Mr. A
- Mornings: 7:30 AM
- Room 22 with Sra. Rivera
- Thursday After School: Until 4:05 PM
- Room 32 with Mrs. Olsen:
- Mondays: 3:15 to 4:15
- Room 31 with Mr. Eisaei:
- Thursdays, 3:10 - 4:10
Seniors: Graduation Reminder
Correction: Jostens will be on campus to deliver graduation items on April 10th during lunch. Please order your cap, gown, and tassel now if you have not done so already.
- Cap and Gown: All students must have a cap and gown purchased only through Jostens to participate in the graduation ceremony. CLICK HERE to order. For cap, gown, and tassel only, go here: Cap, Gown & Tassel only. Orders placed after March 15th may not make the group delivery day.
- Using a Sibling’s Cap and Gown? You may reuse it, but you will still need to purchase a new tassel for the cap through Jostens.
- Questions? Contact Liz Nunes at ext. 7102
Seniors Grad Nite: If you haven't yet, grab the Grad Nite link (below) or swing by and see Karen—don’t miss out on this year’s unforgettable Disney trip! Spots are limited, and it's first come, first served, so lock yours in now! Total cost = $459 Use the QR code on the attached flier for more info or payment. Grad Night Flyer Alternately, you can go to to register and/or make a payment
Scholarships due this week: DW61 Foundation, Escalon Masonic Lodge, Dr. Anne M. Triplett, and EHS Sports Boosters. please get your applications in!
EHS Sports Boosters Scholarship application is now available! See page 141 on the 2024-25 Scholarship List in the Google Classroom for more details. It is due March 21. It is open to students with a 3.5 GPA who have played 3 years total of a varsity level sport.
Seniors…If one of your parents/guardians is a California farm worker, we have a scholarship for you!. Be sure to apply to the Steward Ag Foundation scholarship if you meet the criteria! Details are posted on the scholarship board outside the ASB office (flyer is in color).
Seniors….It’s time to start checking for outstanding library and ASB fines. Don’t wait until the last minute. Prom and graduation will be here before you know it!
Cheer Tryouts: Want to be part of the Cougar Cheer team? Missed the informational meeting? If you’re in 9th-11th grade and interested in trying out, go to Ms. A’s room during nutrition break to get the packet you need. Tryouts will be March 31 through April 3rd in the old gym. We can’t wait to see you there, Cougars! 🐾
Friday, March 21st
Baseball at Hilmar - 4:00 - release the team at 1:35 - depart at 1:45
Track Dublin Distance Fiesta - 11:25 - release the team at 8:50 - Depart at 9:10
Tennis at Ripon - 3:30 - Depart at 2:00 pm
Softball Home vs Hughson- JV/V at 4