Escalon High School Daily Bulletin

Student Volunteers Needed!...March 13 from 5-9pm at the Community Center to help serve dinner to the Escalon Chamber of Commerce sponsors (need 10-15 volunteers).  March 20 volunteers are needed at the Escalon Lions Club Corned Beef and Cabbage dinner at the Community Center.  More information to follow. See Ms.Pimentel (Rm 26) or Karen Nunes (ASB Office) to sign up or get more information.

Prom is May 10.  Tickets will be available starting March 10.  EHS Student and Guest contracts are available in the hall next to the main office.  Get your tickets early for the best price of $85.  Prices will increase over time.

Students….Please DO NOT remove the protective case on your chromebook, insurance will NOT cover damages if the case is removed.

Looking for a Job? Swing by Mrs. Olsen’s room (32) to check out the local job opportunities for high school students! 

Dance Club: The Dance club will be meeting Mondays and Thursdays at lunch in the old gym. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to enhance your dance skills, all interested are welcome to join.

1st Responder Leadership: 🎤👑 MR. COUGAR PAGEANT 2025 – TICKETS ON SALE NOW! 👑🎤Get ready for an unforgettable night of talent, charisma, and school spirit at the Mr. Cougar Pageant 2025! Watch as your favorite contestants compete for the ultimate title in a night full of fun, entertainment, and surprises! Join us on Friday, March 7th  in the Theater - Adults $15, Students $10 and Children/Veterans $5 - MR.COUGAR PAGEANT TICKETS 2025 Don’t Miss out!

PEER TUTORING- Need help in a particular class? Want to study for a test or need someone who has taken a class to help you grasp a concept? Fill out this form and get paired with a member of the Peer Tutoring Club! Click Here to Get a Tutor


TEACHER TUTORING (Intervention & Enrichment)


  • Room 2 with Mr. A
  • Mornings: 7:30 AM


  • Room 22 with Sra. Rivera
    • Thursday After School: Until 4:05 PM


  • Room 32 with Mrs. Olsen: 
    • Mondays: 3:15 to 4:15
  • Room 31 with Mr. Eisaei:
    •  Thursdays, 3:10 - 4:10 

Seniors, do you need help applying for scholarships or have questions regarding the necessary materials? Mrs. Nunes will be hosting a scholarship presentation during our “Cougar Time” RTI period on Thursday, March 6th. You can request to attend this offering in Enriching Students hosted by Mrs. Peterson. 


Attention seniors: You must verify your legal name is correct in Aeries. Any corrections must be submitted to Liz Nunes ([email protected]) ASAP to ensure your diploma is correct! This is important for college records, financial aid, employment, and other official documents. 


Seniors interested in attending Delta Community College- We will be hosting a Delta application workshop on Friday, Feb 7th during Cougar Time. If you are interested in applying to Delta after graduation please sign up for this offering in Enriching Students. 



Seniors: Graduation Reminder

  • Cap and Gown: All students must have a cap and gown purchased only through Jostens to participate in the graduation ceremony. CLICK HERE to order. For cap, gown, and tassel only, go here: Cap, Gown & Tassel only. Orders placed after March 15th may not make the group delivery day. 
  • Using a Sibling’s Cap and Gown? You may reuse it, but you will still need to purchase a new tassel for the cap through Jostens.
  • Questions? Contact Liz Nunes at ext. 7102

Seniors Grad Nite: If you haven't yet, grab the Grad Nite link (below) or swing by and see Karen—don’t miss out on this year’s unforgettable Disney trip! Spots are limited, and it's first come, first served, so lock yours in now!  Total cost = $459 Use the QR code on the attached flier for more info or payment. Grad Night Flyer  Alternately, you can go to to register and/or make a payment

Scholarships due this week: Tom Hagan Memorial, Mariah Izzo Memorial, Steve Gogo Memorial, Ed Mulvihill Memorial, Daniel Angelo Felix Memorial, Escalon Lions Club, Escalon Sportsmans Club, Superintendents, Paul and Virgie Wilson, and Escalon Historical Society.  Please get your applications in!

EHS Sports Boosters Scholarship application is now available! See page 141 on the 2024-25 Scholarship List in the Google Classroom for more details.  It is due March 21.  It is open to students with a 3.5 GPA who have played 3 years total of a varsity level sport. 

Dr. Anne Triplett is pleased to announce that her scholarship is open for females majoring in a STEM field.  Be sure to apply if you meet the criteria!

The Walter Hogan scholarship is now open!  Details are posted on the scholarship list in the Google Classroom.  This scholarship just increased to $2,500.  Don’t miss this opportunity!

Seniors….It’s time to start checking for outstanding library and ASB fines.  Don’t wait until the last minute. Prom and graduation will be here before you know it!  




Winter Sport Awards will be held on Thursday, March 13.  Main awards will begin at 6:00 pm in the New Gym.  Please see flyer for additional information.



Friday, 2/28 

Volleyball Home Vs River Islands - 5:00/6:00 pm 

Softball at Rainbow Classic- Release at 2:45 pm (Depart at 3:15)

Baseball at Livingston 3:30 - Release at 1:00 pm (Depart at 1:15) 

Tennis at Orestimba 3:30 - Release the travel squad at 1:15 


Monday, March 3rd 

Baseball at Linden - 3:30 - release the team at 1:30 - Depart at 1:45 Jv and Varsity

Jacket Invitational Varsity Golf - Release all Day - Brenden Berchtold, Matix Trimble, Austin Mustain, Ethan Tellez, Dom Arauza

Tuesday, March 4th 

Track at Oakdale 3:00 - Release at 1:15 - Depart at 1:30 

Boys Volleyball HOME vs Gregori - 5:00 and 6:00 pm 

Softball at Calaveras - 3:30 - Release the JV/Var Teams at 12:45 - Depart 1:15

Tennis Home vs Sonora - 3:30 - Release at 2:25


Wednesday, March 5th 

Baseball HOME vs Downey - 3:30 - Release at 2:05 JV and Varsity 

JV Golf Home vs Livingston - 2:45 - Release at 1:45 - 


Thursday, March 6th  

Softball at Riverbank 4:00 pm - Release at 2:00 - Depart at 2:30

Baseball Home vs Enochs - 3:30 - Release at 2:05 Jv and Varsity 

Tennis Home vs Millenium - 3:30 - Release the Tennis team at 2:25

Golf at Orestimba - Release the following students all day: Brenden Berchtold, Matix Trimble, Ethan Tellez, Dom Arauza, Donovan Martinez and Austin Mustain

Friday, March 7th  

Track - San Joaquin County Championships  at Tracy - 2:00 PM - Depart 12:00 pm - Release at 11:30

Softball Home vs Manteca - 4:00 - Release the girls at 2:30

Baseball Home vs East Union - 3:30 - Release at 2:05 JV and Varsity Players