Escalon High School Daily Bulletin

AP exams are available online now! Go to: EHS AP Exams to purchase the exams.  They are $74 each and only available online.  If you think you may qualify for a reduced rate, please see Karen Nunes in the ASB office.

Looking for a Job? Swing by Mrs. Olsen’s room (32) to check out the local job opportunities for high school students!

Dance Club:The Dance club will be meeting Mondays and Thursdays at lunch in the old gym. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to enhance your dance skills, all interested are welcome to join. 

Calling all Freshman, “Hey Freshman....Class of 2028! We are having our first Class of 2028 meeting on Tuesday, September 24th in Room 7 at Lunch.  Be there!!!"

Student Volunteer Opportunities: Sunday, October 6 at Harvest on Main (volunteers needed 9:30 am to noon) to help set up and work with the kids.  Please see Ms. Pimentel to sign up. Details for Harvest on Main Volunteers: Please report to Farmers Insurance at 1750 Main Street.  Jessica Wylie 209-914-7768 will be your contact.

Attention Students- if you purchased an ASB card and haven’t received your card, please come see Ilda in the counseling center during break or lunch today. Parents if you have any questions please contact Ilda @ 209-691-9865.

Attention Floral students - The Escalon Historical Society is looking for volunteers to design their window displays.  If you are interested, please see Mrs. Stark for more information.

Girls Basketball- any girl interested in playing basketball this year there will be a mandatory meeting Thursday, September 26th during lunch in room 11

FFA Students: FFA Cookie Dough Sales are happening through Sept 24th!  Please sell or buy cookie dough to raise money for the FFA Chapter and earn FFA points for your grade at the same time. FFA Jacket applications and community service signups are open and can be found on the FFA Google classroom page. Jacket applications close on September 25th at 5pm. Attention all Freshman, the Greenhand leadership Conference application is available in the FFA Google classroom page. GLC applications are due by noon on September 27th.

The ASB Office will be closed from September 16 to October 2.  You can pay for items or balances due online at (Balances due for Cheer, FFA, and Girls Golf or items such as PE clothes, floral subscriptions, ASB cards, or Family Passes.  Donation options are also online). 





  • Room 2 with Mr. A
    • Mornings: 7:30 AM
    • After School: Tuesdays and Thursdays until 4:30 PM


  • Room 22 with Sra. Rivera
    • Tuesday Mornings: 7:30 AM 
    • Thursday After School: Until 4:30 PM


  • Room 32 with Mrs. Olsen: 
    • Mondays, 3:10 - 4:10 PM
  • Room 31 with Mr. Eisaei:
    •  Thursdays, 3:10 - 4:10 PM


Shoob Photography will be on campus on October 29th to take Senior Portraits for those who have not had theirs done. This portrait will be featured in the yearbook. More detailed information will be provided as the date approaches.

CSU and UC Application Workshops are scheduled for Oct 11th and Act 22nd. These are available to SENIORS that currently meet the A-G requirements only. Sign up using the google forms listed in the Senior Google Classroom to register. 




Got your ASB Card or Family Pass? If you want to purchase your ASB Card or Family Pass, use the following links: ASB Card  Family Pass

ASB/Family Pass Cards are valid for any regular home game entry (with the exception of playoff and fundraiser games)



Monday, 9/23 

Girls Golf - TVL Mid Season Tournament at Micke Grove Golf Course 

Flag Football Home vs Sonora Var Only 5:00 pm 

Tuesday, 9/24

Girls Golf - JV match @ Hughson dismissal at 12:24 

Olivia Aceves, Marina Franzia, Leeah Nelson, Lesley Cardenas, Ariella Partida, Sofia Da Silva 

Volleyball Home vs RC - 4/5/6


Wednesday, 9/25

Girls Golf at Sonora - 3:00

Volleyball at Ripon - 5/6/7 


Thursday, 9/26

Flag Football at Hilmar - 4:30/5:30 - Depart at 2:00 pm - release the girls at 1:30 

Frosh Football at Hilmar 6:30 - Depart at 3:00 pm - Release the players at 2:05


Friday, 9/27

Football at Hilmar - 5/7 pm