Escalon High School Daily Bulletin

Today is the Yearbook Carnival, after school until 5 pm. All students who purchased a yearbook can pick it up in the quad for the signing party. There will be music, lawn games, and Yogurt Mill! 

2023-24 Yearbooks are no longer available at Yearbook Order Center or the online store.  We are SOLD OUT.

SUMMER SCHOOL!! Students who have been given a permission slip for summer school, please be sure to turn them into the counseling center by Tuesday, May 21st! 

SUMMER VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: The Escalon Farmer’s Market staff are looking for help for future farmer’s markets: 6/19, 7/17 and 8/21. If you can help or would like more information, please stop by the ASB office.

Students - If you owe money to ASB, it was due May 10 and is now past due.  This includes Cheer, Ag Shop, FFA, and Wrestling.  If you aren’t sure if you owe, please stop by the ASB office and check.

Wrestlers - Your singlet and headgear need to be returned.  They were due by May 10 and are now past due.  $80 has been added to your account and is due ASAP.  If you return the items, your $80 fine will be cleared.  Otherwise, the fine will remain on your account.  Mr. Davis and Mrs. Nunes have discussed this with you.  Please bring the items or cash to the ASB office.

Attention FFA Members: National FFA Convention applications are due May 24th by 3:15 PM. Members showing at AgFest, if you're planning on receiving donations for your project through AgFest, you have to fill out the Agriculture Education Scholarship Exhibitor Application. Applications must be submitted by June 1st. Today at lunch, there will be a mandatory beef and dairy meeting in room 37.


Students interested in receiving tutoring in science or math? Please check the tutoring schedule and talk to your counselor if you have any questions about times and dates.

Science Tutoring

Tuesdays, Mr. Cohen, Room 26, from 3:15 to 4:15


Mondays and Wednesdays in room 31 from 3:15-4:15.

Thursdays, Mrs. Olsen, room 29 from 3:15 to 4:15 

Seniors, Do you know where you will be attending after High School? Visit the Senior Google Classroom and complete the Post Grad Survey Form to let us know where you are attending and see your pennant displayed in the main hall. 

Reminder: To participate in the ceremony, every senior must purchase their cap and gown from Jostens. Any questions should be directed to Liz Nunes in the front office. 










Sports Physicals for the 24-25 school year will be held in the Cafeteria on Tuesday, 7/23 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm. Cost is $20


Sports Boosters merchandise sale 7/23 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm 





Last Week of School Schedule

May 28 - May 31, 2024




FINALS (May 28-30)


Tuesday, May 28

Pre  7:07 - 8:05       Final Exam

1     8:10 - 10:25     Final Exam

       10:25 - 10:40     Break

2     10:45 - 1:00     Final Exam


Wednesday, May 29

Pre  7:07 - 8:05       Final Exam

3     8:10 - 10:25     Final Exam

       10:25 - 10:40     Break

4     10:45 - 1:00     Final Exam


Thursday, May 30

5     8:10 - 10:25     Final Exam

       10:25 - 10:40     Break

6     10:45 - 1:00     Final Exam


* BUSES WILL RUN AT REGULAR TIME 5/28-5/30 (3:05) - Students are not allowed at any other school site after School

* Any student taking the bus must catch it at EHS. They are not allowed to board at El Portal or any other site

* The library will be open for students to study for their finals



Last Day of School

Friday, May 31   

Pre    7:42 - 8:19

1st    8:24 - 9:01

2nd   9:06 - 9:43

3rd    9:48 - 10:25

4th  10:30 - 11:07

5th  11:12 - 11:49

6th  11:54 - 12:31


* Busses will arrive at 1:00

* Any student taking the bus must catch it at EHS. They are not allowed to board at El Portal or any other site