FFA’s cookie dough fundraiser is estimated to be distributed on Thursday, November 16.
The Library will be closed Thursday, November 9th. Please plan accordingly.
Have you got your commemorative EHS New Field t-shirt yet? Jerzee’s brand Dri-Power is made of 50% Cotton/50% Polyester. There are limited quantities for sale for only $20 at the ASB office and online at: https://escalonusd.myschoolcentral.com/(S(n3t2uonemtznarknzbjubnkg))/Index.aspx#/4/product/10201
FFA’s Drive Thru dinner is back! $60 for a whole tri-tip, pasta salad, Portuguese beans, 4 rolls, and 4 cookies. Dinner pick-up is November 14 from 3:30-6:30 pm. Last day to order is November 8. You can purchase them at the ASB Office or at the online store using this link: https://escalonusd.myschoolcentral.com/(S(oh2f5z5ep1qigkkzcobuqzxe))/Index.aspx#/4/product/10161
AP Exams are online and available now. They are currently $72 each and will increase to $112 after October 30. You can use this link to get to the site to purchase your exams: https://osp.osmsinc.com/EscalonUSD/BVModules/CategoryTemplates/Detailed%20List%20with%20Properties/Category.aspx?categoryid=LF001
Hungry for Pizza? EHS has Mountain Mike’s coupon books for $20. They are good until 12/31/25 and have a FREE medium one-topping pizza coupon (valued at over $20), 10 BOGO free large pizza coupons, and more! Digital Media Club, Photo Club, and ASB are all selling these coupon books. Use the link below to place your order:
ASB https://escalonusd.myschoolcentral.com/(S(jkpymy11bgmcuavs45fvczmv))/Index.aspx#/4/product/10100
DIGITAL MEDIA https://escalonusd.myschoolcentral.com/(S(2ksmnxnowqxmtspnpplb2eed))/Index.aspx#/4/product/10159
PHOTO https://escalonusd.myschoolcentral.com/(S(2ksmnxnowqxmtspnpplb2eed))/Index.aspx#/4/product/10160
Attention FFA Members - The Thanksgiving meal drive has officially started; bring in 3 items to your ag teachers to earn an FFA point and 1 hour of community service.
GSA- There is a meeting in Room 15 on Thursday, 11/9 at lunch. Please get your volunteer permission forms signed and bring them to the meeting.
STUDENT DRIVERS- You must display a parking permit whether you park on or off campus. Please pick up your permit application outside of the front office. If you do not have a parking permit displayed, Ricardo will tag your vehicle with a reminder; after that, disciplinary action will follow.
Students interested in receiving tutoring in science or math? Please check the tutoring schedule and talk to your counselor if you have any questions about times and dates."
Science Tutoring
Mondays, Mr. Anserlian, Room 2, from 3:15 to 4:15
Tuesdays, Mr. Cohen, Room 26, from 3:15 to 4:15
Wednesday, Jones, Room 3, from 3:15 to 4:15
Mondays and Wednesdays in room 31 from 3:15-4:15.
Thursdays, Mrs. Olsen, room 29 from 3:15 to 4:15
Blood Drive: The EHS fall blood drive will be hosted on Thursday 11/30 in the theater. If you will be 16 years old or older please use the following link to sign up to donate: www.tinyurl.com/EscalonBloodDrive 16-year-olds do need a signed parent waiver which can be picked up from Bower in room 34.
Spanish Club is selling beautiful (16-18” estimated height) red poinsettias in 6.5” pots with a colored paper sleeve for $19 until November 9. Plants can be picked up November 15 and 16. Proceeds from this fundraiser help with Spanish Club scholarships. Orders can be placed online at: https://escalonusd.myschoolcentral.com/(S(rgxukjmxiwe5w3dbut0asl3h))/Index.aspx#/4/product/10162 or from any Spanish Club member.
Have you made time to talk with Karen Nunes regarding scholarships? Escalon Lions Club Scholarship is open! Now is the time to get started working on your applications. Karen will help you understand the process and find the best scholarships for YOU!!
Seniors, just a friendly reminder that it's never too early to start preparing for graduation! https://view.vidreach.io/q/eWbbpUn1 Cap, Gown, & Tassel Unit- CLICK HERE. To participate in the ceremony, each student must purchase the cap and gown from Jostens only. Any questions should be directed to Liz Nunes, ext 7102.
If there are any freshman or sophomore girls interested in playing basketball this season there is still time to try out. Please contact Coach Dalpogetti at [email protected] ASAP.
Monday, 11/6/23
Tuesday, 11/7/23
Wednesday, 11/8/23
Thursday, 11/9/23
Friday, 11/10/23
PLayoff Football Game at Home 7:00 pm
Go Fan Entry Only - No cash accepted at the gate will be allowed